Debbie Forand

Boss Mom Tip Series Day 1! Planning Your Time

Welcome to The Boss Mom Tip series! 

Each day for the next 5 days I will be providing quick tips to help the busy mompreneur !
Do you struggle with balancing out your priorities between your business and your family!
Then this this series is for you!!

Being a special needs mom means I have to be very
Now I could try and cram everything into these few hours but would that really be efficient? Probably not. 🤦‍♀️Instead I have a layed out plan of what I am going to do each day, especially days that he is at school. 📋

Trying to cram everything into a few hours is insane, so instead I have planned and mapped out what it is I need to do that I struggle getting when my son is here.


👩‍💼This Day 1 of Boss mom tip series!

When life gets crazy busy you tend to push aside those big projects or those business building things that need your entire focus.

When you have those quiet slots of time this is the time when you need to do those things that keep getting pushed aside. Decide what is most important, don’t try and squeeze all of them in, but choose what is most important that needs to be done . Then if you still have time when finished you can move on to the next. Remember balance is Golden and during some months and neither your family nor your business should suffer.

Are you a Mompreneur? How do you utilize your quiet time! 

Click here to go onto day 2  of our Boss Mom Series~!

If you like this tip then check out my podcast The Shift
Where we take it to the next level and really help you get moving with your dreams!!




If you are really wanting to jump start your planning and need help check out this 24 Month Content plan all ready to go for you!!!
Just Click here to learn more about it!!

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