Debbie Forand

15 Of My Most Powerful Morning Affirmations

  1. Today is a new day. I release the old to let in the new!
  2. I stand tall as I imagine the possibilities available to me today!
  3. There are no limits!
  4. Today is my time! I am ready!
  5. I am awake and ready to learn!
  6. I am blessed just being able to be here and breath!
  7. I am worth of abundance that awaits me!
  8. I am brave and therefore I am calm!
  9. I will not push away good things out of fear!
  10. I am unique but just as worthy!
  11. I have worked hard it is time to shine!
  12. I am beautify inside and out!
  13. I will trust my intuition for guidance!
  14. I am not afraid!
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