Debbie Forand

Vacations can make you or break you

Vacation Mode
Vacation Mode
Vacations can make you or break you when it comes to your entrepreneurship! 


We all need vacations but what does it do to your business. Does it help it or do you struggle afterwards? 

I just returned from a 2.5 week vacation visiting my daughter and grands. Even though I had my electronics with me, I decided to take the time to reflect, and think about this crazy thing we call life.  
I could have returned home in one of two ways. Either I completely lost focus and motivation for my business, or recharged with new ideas and thoughts to take it to the next level!! 

So what determines this is really dependent upon you.  There is no secret formula, no list or quiz to take to see if it will make you or break you, it has to come from within. 

For me at first I thought it broke me! I got home and thought “Oh No I Am Broken”!!!  I couldn’t find my focus, I didn’t want to sit down at my computer, and just didn’t have motivation. However, once I got all unpacked and settled back into a routine I realized that it didn’t break me, it did the complete opposite!!  

My time away gave me clarification, it helped me to see where I was falling short and what I needed to work very  hard on. It helped me to realize what my time wasters were and what I need to focus on to grow my business.  

I believe that there is always room for growth and change, even if you feel like you are successful. Whatever that definition might before you.  I also believe that we all live among so much Chaos, in our lives, our business, and in the world.  There is a way to find what I call my euphoria, in the mist of all that Chaos and I recorded a podcast today sharing my thoughts on this.  

So when is your next vacation?  


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