Debbie Forand

Managing your Personal Life When You’re A Social Media Marketer

Managing your Personal Life When You’re A Social Media Marketer

How much personal is too much? This question faces many entrepreneurs  today, especially when it comes to social media. Should you allow people who you know through business to be friends with you on Facebook and Instagram? Should you make your Instagram account private? Should you post photos of your kids and partner on the same account you use for business purposes? When does a good professional relationship become a friendship, and how do social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram affect this? 
I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this Dilemma, it is going to be different for everyone.  


Social media Marketing is personal branding – it is a way to showcase yourself to your followers and fans. But what you post on your personal page? If you can answer yes, then maybe it’s time to not post that kind of content. There’s no telling what people will think, so stay away from political debates. Social media Marketing is personal branding – it is a way to showcase yourself to your followers and fans. But what you post on your personal page? If you can answer yes, then maybe it’s time to not post that kind of content.

If you follow my blog, you know I’ve touched on my personal life at times – my family, my challenges, and my journey as an entrepreneur, etc. We are all a sum of our past and present experiences. I choose to keep my social media accounts separate – my personal account is for my personal life and my professional account is for my professional life. This is in part because I am more than just a special needs mom, and not all that follow me can relate. If my brand was solely for special needs families, such as advocacy then I would combine them in a moment, because it makes sense.

For those who want to separate their personal life from their social media marketing, there are many ways to do it! When you’re managing your personal life, it can be hard to manage your social media marketing on top of it all.
By keeping your social media accounts separate, you have more freedom to post the things you want to on your personal pages and keep your brand pages focused on things strictly related to your business.

Of course there are pros and cons with everything and only you can decide what to  do but here are a few things to keep in mind. 

1.Your persona posts may obscure your business posts, causing confusing with your audience, and not be clear on what you are doing.   This was the biggest obstacle I had to face. I loved sharing about my son, it is who I am, and my why, but it overpowered my business. 

2. Creating content for social media marketing is time consuming, and a lot of work. When you are separating everything that you do, you are going to have to do twice as much work. 

3. You can loose precious pockets of time, pleasing your personal and not spending that quality time on your business.  Admit it! It is easy to get lost in the scroll of our friends and family. This is precious time that you are loosing that you could be using to build your business. If you are not sure of your pockets of time then check out this new Daily Digital Planner and Ebook!! 

Ready To Take It to the next level! Check out Social Systems!!




All while spending LESS time spinning your wheels and more time focusing on the 
stuff that REALLY matters plus, moves the needle…
Like getting that crafted from the heart content in front of the eyes of the people who need to hear it.

If you have made it this far then I know you are a serious business builder and ready to crush your Social Media Marketing!! 

Then you need to check out this ultimate workbook that I have created for YOU!!!  It  is designed to help you understand social media marketing, how to get started, and how to organize your days to keep the social media mayhem at bay!

By following this byway map, you’ll:

Organize Your Tasks

Know exactly what you need to work on each day.

Identify the social media Mayhem

Save hours of wasted time each week

Simply and quickly create content

It’s time to put a system in place that will make it happen.


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