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  • Getting Started In The Social Media Marketing Byways

    The ultimate workbook is designed to help you get started, organize, and control that mayhem.

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  • Digital Resources

    We help you untangle The Web of The Inter-webs!
    We help the Network Marketers and direct sellers simplify Technology, Apps, and Social Media Processes through eBooks, printable's , and courses helping you control the Mayhem in your Social Media Marketing.

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  • living toxin free for today's families

    Total Wellness For Today's Families

    Wellness for Today's Families, with solutions for the world today!!

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Meet the gal behind this site...

Hi! I am Debbie Forand

Hello There! 😎
My name is Debbie and I am a Multi Passionate Entrepreneur.
A Network Marketing Consultant that Social Media Marketers untangle the Interwebs and thrive with purpose.

We have walked the walk and support you

We help you untangle The Web of The Inter-webs!
We help Network Marketers Simplify Technology, Apps, and Social Media Processes so that you can focus on what is important to growing your business.

Healthy while building your business

Healthy Alternatives For you and your home!!

From the exceptional health and wellness products to the safer alternative products for your home. All toxin and synthetic chemical free! Safer for you and your family!!

Wellness also includes financial wellness and what a fantastic way to help other families by partnering with the company that pioneered the term Go Green!

The Shift Podcast

Check out our podcast

A weekly podcast to help you make a lifestyle shift focusing on four major components of your life.

Mindset, health, business, and family and relationships.

Are you ready to make the shift!!
(New Episodes coming in 2022)


Taming The Social Media Mayhem

We help you untangle The Web of The Inter-webs!
We help the Network Marketers and direct sellers simplify Technology, Apps, and Social Media Processes through eBooks, printable's , and courses helping you control the Mayhem in your Social Media Marketing.

Our Blog

Untangle The Mayhem

We love to give value and here you will find resources to help you in every aspect of your Network marketing business. From mindset and personal development to tricks and tips of the trade.

Algorithm Hacks: 5 Tips to Enhance Your Skills

In the whirlwind world of likes, shares, and retweets, algorithms are the puppet masters pulling the strings. But here’s the kicker: they’re not exactly picky. They’ll take any engagement they can get, quality be damned. So, what’s the result? A digital landscape littered with posts that are more clickbait than

Acknowledging the fine line between surrendering and pushing through

Acknowledging the fine line between surrendering and pushing through!  In the world of digital creation, there’s a common belief that individuals must choose between quitting and pushing forward. However, in my experience, many digital creators navigate a fine line between the two options. This delicate balance often involves making tough

Patience Appreciated: Follow for New Engaging Content and Updates

I’m excited to announce that my website is undergoing a transformation with new and engaging content. During this transition, things might be a bit chaotic, but I’m committed to tackling the challenge. I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. For all the latest updates, don’t forget to follow

It Is Ok To Take A Break

Hustle hard, but don’t forget to treat yo’ self! We’ve all heard the constant push for non-stop productivity in the online entrepreneurial world. But let’s be real, burnout ain’t cute. Taking time for yourself and unplugging may feel like a defeat, but it’s actually a game-changer for your long-term success.


We all have been new to social media marketing at one point in time. Maybe that is you, and you are new to social media marketing?

We all have been new to building our business and social media marketing. No one should have to walk through that newness alone!! With our amazing coaching community, I walk you through step by step on how to get started the right way, so that you can grow your business on Social Media.

forand photography

My Photography

My photography gallery!!


Today's Families

Healthy Alternatives For you and your family!!
I am so proud to be a part of this company, to have my family be apart of this company, and why we proudly share it with others.
From the exceptional health and wellness products to the safer alternative products for your home. All toxin and synthetic chemical free! Safer for you and your family!!

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