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Wow first let me thank you so much for visiting!!
My name is Debbie and I am the founder and creator of this website, Digital Hippi, The Shift Podcast and many other things.
I know what you are thinking ok, and… what is all that?

As an entrepreneur for now going on 10 years I have seen things come and go. I have seen people come and go but one thing always remains the same and that is technology changes, people change, and when things get tough they quit! They quit because they can’t figure out something, or they quit because they just can’t get their mindset in the right place!!

Let me give you a quick backstory!!

In 2012 I had to quit my career to care of for my son who is Down syndrome. I did not have enough supports for him to continue with my government position. So I went full time with my entrepreneurship and discovered network marketing. It was during this time that I saw patterns or people giving up because things were to hard.
It was during this time that I discovered what and where I was meant to be. Having lived such a diversified life and having over come many obstacles through out my journey in this thing called life; I saw that I was quickly able to shift my mindset more than most people. It was also during this time that I discovered the nerd in me was stronger than I thought!! I was able to figure out things others couldn’t. Use tools that they were finding challenging, and I found ways to help them over come those barriers.

So with all this new found knowledge of myself and my quirky talents Your Social Connection and The Shift were born. From them has emerged the Digital Hippi! A new digital creator resource network to help untangle the interwebs of social media marketing. 

Just like any entrepreneur, I and this website have evolved over time and there is a lot here. So please take time, look around, search keywords, and of course be sure you are following me on social media.

Thank you for stopping by!! 

Debbie Forand

Your Digital Creator Coach

Don't Forget To Follow Me on Social

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