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Hey well it has been a crazy 6 months for everyone right? OMG…. I get it!!
Life as we knew is totally changed. Personally for me I took the opportunity to focus on my direction with my businesses and how I can help more people succeed.
With that came some changes so re-branding was necessary! What do you think?

It is never easy but in order to see growth you can’t be afraid of change!! Change is where the magic happens.

So let me ask you?

Are you still stuck?
Did you take advantage of these crazy months and all this time spent at home to re-evaluate?

I hope so! But if you didn’t guess what? It is not to late!! It is never to late to take a step back. You are designing a life you want, the growth you want, the success you want so you do not ever need permission to stop and breath for a minute. If you really need it or want then here… I give you permission!! 😁

Over the years there is one thing that I have learned and that is to stop being on everyone elses agenda. If it does not fit into my crazy life, then it can wait or never happen. You need to remind yourself of that as well.

There are many ways to be sure that you are not on everyone elses agendas but one of my favorites is taking a step back and evaluating my time then seeing where things can get plugged into what I call my CALENDAR WORK STATION. This is where I have everything for work mapped out on a calendar and it has become a routine. If a training pops on during let’s say my blogging time, it has to wait. That is my blogging time.

I talk more about this on my my latest episode of the The Shift you can listen below or click here !! 

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