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Let’s face it. Staying motivated in the Network Marketing and Direct Selling world can be exhausting to say the least even if you are crushing it.  You are on an endless roller coaster ride that can beat you down to the point where you just don’t want to keep going.  

I am a special needs mom and over the past few years during the pandemic it has been challenging to stay motivated on my business and my personal goals. It seems like I have spent every day just ensuring my family is taken care of and our need are met.  I know you can related to how long these past few years have been. 

So staying motivated was a challenge and I had to come up with ways to keep on track and not let life’s craziness get in the way.  So I developed some super tricks  that not only did I succeed at keeping me motived they actually have become habits that I do everyday now!!   

Here Are  My Top 5  Motivating Habits 

  1. When things are crazy busy, do the simple things. Doing simple things consistently is actually progress and success. When you are done you actually feel accomplished. 

  2. Do things are your own pace, it is not a race. When we try to keep up with others we can set ourselves up for failure. They don’t walk in our shoes. So their pace is going to be different then ours. If we try to keep up and we don’t this can cause us to feel less than we are, and that is not fair to you. 

  3.  Have a plan!! This was a hard lesson for me. I got so used to doing things on the fly, that I didn’t realize how much it was hurting my business growth until a coach pointed out to me what I was doing. 
    Once I began planning out my days, weeks, even months I could not believe the difference in my biz growth.  


4.  Avoid Burnout.  If you are burnt out on everything it is to late. So avoid it all together by doing a few simple things.  Take care of yourself! I know it sounds cliché but it truly works. Network marketing burnout is one of the top reasons people quit the industry. Eat healthy, take breaks, exercise, and relax.  

5.  Focus on what you love to do!! Sure there are many thing that you will have to do to grow your biz, but when you get to a point of not feeling motivated then you need to do the things that you love to do. So for me, I love blogging, photography, and graphic art.  So when I am not feeling inspired that is what I do. I will write a blog, or go take some photos, or just scroll through Canva  to get inspired.  

Motivation is going to come and go in this industry. Just following these 5 tips along with some great coaching and mentoring you will get your mojo back in no time!! The trick is really to understand that it is going to happen, and to just roll with it!!  

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