Debbie Forand

Choice, Chance, Change

Change, transformation, alteration what ever you what to call it , it is hard! It doesn’t matter what, or how, or even why; change is hard.

So many people resist change for many reasons!
Lack of knowledge
The the thought of the word can make some of us literally physically ill.
Ugg Listen, I am not knew to change. I have been through many changes in my life.
I was a young mom and military spouse moving every few years,
Divorcee, single mom, a mom to a child with Down syndrome, Full time career woman, to a work at home mom.
Those are just to name a few! I have seen my share of change and I can promise you that none of them came easy!!
Change is inevitable, we all go through it but we are creatures of habit ! But, we are also creatures of change and adaptation.
Our habits are created in our brains, and our brains are constantly changing in response to our changing environment. Our adaptability is the secret to our success as a species.
So what is it that makes change a little easier for some than others. Some are able to harness adaptability and use towards something positive, to make those choices, those decisions, of how we want things to be; and who we want to be in this thing we called life.
You have a lot more power to become the person you want to be more than you might think. You are not predetermined by external environments, nor by the genes that created you . The secret is to learn to retrain your brain, yup, retrain those habits!!
I am not expert, therapist, or psychologist ,  and I have always found it difficult to deal with change. I am speaking the heart here because change is weighing heavy on my heart tonight. 
As much as I wanted to think of myself as a flexible go with the flow kind of person, It never went with out internal struggles. Aside from my OCD, I like to be in control of my situations!
I like to know where I am, what I’m doing, where I’m going. I like to have things layed out in black and white on my many lists of to-dos, and ideas.  Basically having a plan and being prepared I minimize the level of uncertainty in my life. Less uncertainty, less stress right?
My discomfort around uncertainty means I am usually very in-decisive.   In some ways this has been beneficial;  for example, it’s allowed me to take my time making the right decision on hard choices of change!!  In other ways, it’s been a disadvantage, especially when it does take a long time for me to make those changes, those decisions. I see others in places where I would have been had I not made the decisions sooner.
In the past when life threw me curve balls of change, It left me feeling uncertain!  I had to do whatever I needed to do to regain my sense of control.  Keeping my options open or “going with the flow” provoked feelings of restlessness, insecurities, and eventually a whole lot of stress!

My relationship with change, took a indisputable turn three years ago when  I embarked on the adventures of a home based business.
Some people think   Direct Sellers or Multi Level Markets as scam artists, or crooks. Some think of them as annoying, and bothersome.  Well I am a direct seller, a so called Multi Level Marketer and though my name may not be in spotlights just yet I feel like I have already succeeded beyond my dreams.

Change happens, and learning how to cope with that change I learned by being in this business. It has taught me how to be a better me. To live a life without fear! To live for change!  It has taught me that everyday we wake up to a new adventure with no way of knowing where it will take us!!  To adapt easier and accept things  good or bad! To enjoy the ride, to live to the fullest!!

Change is hard, but with out it what do you really have?

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