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Our Family saw the increase in illnesses over the past 20 years and after significant amount of research and education we are now Living Toxin Free and this is how we did it.

Our skin is our largest organ, and it absorbs everything we put on it, and it only takes 26 seconds for it to be absorbed. There are approximately 80,000 chemical’s on the market to be used in consumable products. These chemicals are not regulated like you would think and the laws surrounding them date back to the 6s.  These chemicals you will find in your cleaning products, bath and beauty products, cookware, and pretty much everything we use in our homes daily.  

Have you noticed the rapid increase in the numbers of cancer, autism and other diseases over the past 20 years?  I have!! As a parent to a son with disabilities and seeing illnesses  over the past 20 years increasing in our family, including cancer , I have noticed!! 

The number of cases of these and other diseases is climbing at an alarming rate, and  higher than ever. This is due to the amount of toxins in our food, our products and consumables , and in our environment.

There is hope though! By reducing your exposure to these toxic chemicals you can reduce your risk as well as do you part to help our environment. 

Let's talk about some of these Toxic Chemcials

~Parabens  are synthetic  chemicals that is used to preserve the shelf life  products specifically beauty products. It is a known endocrine disrupter and damages your health. 

~Aluminum is found in most deodorants and in a lot of cookware. Your body absorbs the aluminum, and research has proven that in increases your risks to many diseases, like Cancer.  Don’t just take my word for it, read the research! .

~Fragrance is found in almost all bath, body, perfumes, household cleaners and cosmetics.  Companies do not have to disclose what exactly is in their fragrance due to  what the FDA states is Trade Secrets!  All a company has to do is put on their label fragrance, so who really knows what goes into those! I always encourage people to just once watch this movie. It may just change your life.  

~Pesticides   This shouldn’t be new to you, I am sure you have heard about pesticides, and maybe you have even stopped using them on your grass and gardens, but did you know that pesticides reside in some of the products that we also use in our home ever day! If it’s killing bugs and plants, what do you think it’s doing to our body when we eat it? This is why you want to always eat organic. Here’s more info!!.


More of Why We took the leap and went toxin free

I am a special needs mom and have autoimmune issues myself.  I was diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and possible chemical sensitivity (MCS).  My Mom, Brother, and Sister all had cancer. Now I am a parent to a child that is high risk for it.  I spent many hours researching causes, natural remedies, toxin free living etc. What it led me to was everything in my home could have been making me sick. 
So I took one product at a time. I did my research on each one, and switched to safer ones. By the years end our whole home was converted to living toxin free.  
So how did we do it??  Keep reading ⬇⬇⬇⬇

It started out that I was having to buy products from several different stores, and many of them were costly and had to just be a one time purchase. I knew there had to be a better way!! 

I then started using the so called “toxin free” products that you purchase in stores like Target, and Costco. You know the ones…. Well what I quickly found out was they didn’t work. I was going through so much product that I as again spending a fortune. 

So I went on a long hunt for a one stop shop, that was not only affordable for me, but for most families.  That is when I discovered Melaleuca The Wellness Company
It was perfect, it saved me time on finding safer products, they have the science behind their products, it was that one stop shop I was looking for, so it really was very easy!! 


A Few of my Favorite Products

Toxin Free for Acanthosis nigricans
This is my son, and the amazing lotion we use daily on his skin. He has Acanthosis nigricans.
Toxin Free and Kills germs
Biodegradable, and EPA Approved. No Toxic synthetic crap!

I spent my days educating people on toxins in our lives, and share with them safer products that they can use in their home with out going into debt!! 

If you want to also learn, please join us in my private community Toxin Free Living For You and Your Home.  

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