Debbie Forand

An Entrepreneurs journey sometimes need to slow down for a time to reflect!

Sometimes it is good to step back and do a little reflection!!

I have been deeply engrossed into growing myself from within and spiritually the past few months.

It truly is wakening when you realize things about yourself that you were blinded to before.

A few Things I’ve learned about myself in the last few weeks are…..

Stopping and slowing down has brought me clarity . My usual days are spent growing my businesses, helping others, and being a mom, and the slower pace has been a welcome change as it has given me clarity of where my focus needs to be and where it was to much!!

Nature is a must! If I don’t get myself outside, plant my feet on the earth and breathe in the beauty then my whole day can become exhausting and overwhelming. That connection to nature helps me to release the negative vibes that hold me back!

I LOVE what I do, I love to create and plan the things I’ve never had time to do, working on creative ideas etc.

Organization is not my forte, but without it I am a hot mess!!

News mainstream, leftfield or otherwise zaps my brain. I can only hear and listen and look at so much. My goal is to focus on what can be done and how we come out of this better than before, rabbit holes suck me in and distract me from what is.

I can’t wait until I am where I need to be at the right time to serve in the manner in which I was destined for.

When was the last time you stopped and really reflected in where you are and why you are there in this point in time?

What could you learn about yourself in this process?

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