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Being a busy entrepreneur and being a tired mom, is never easy, and finding the balance with them both is even harder.  After almost 10 years as an entrepreneur and 5 years as a digital marketer I am here to tell you that you will never find that true balance, but it will be ok!! 

Hey I get it!!  You feel like your being pulled in a zillion directions, you have sticky notes everywhere, and more tabs and windows open on your computer than it can keep up with. On top of all that the laundry is piled up, the kids need to be fed, and the toilets sure are not going to clean themselves. 
It is not easy being an entrepreneur and a mom! Both are challenging and exhausting in their own ways. 
When I first started I felt like I had to do it all! I would try and get everything done every single day.  Then one day I remembered what someone told me. She was my supervisor at my 9-5 job at that time,   a long time ago.  She said ” Why are you trying to get it all done in one day! The work is always going to be there, you will never ever have it completely finished” 
So as I thought of those words one day not to far in the past, it was like a mountain had been released off of my shoulders.  I get it now! Dishes are always going to need to be done, messages are always going to need to be sent, website updates are always going to need to be done, so why stress over what you didn’t get done! Instead, Celebrate what you did do!! 
So now I am sharing that moment I had years ago with you!!! Celebrate what you did, and remember there is always going to be something that needs to be done you will never really be caught up!! So why stress over it! 

Hey wait before you go! Why not go one step further and download my free copy of ” 10 Ways To Live A Dynamic Life” 

A Free EBOOK with some of my most important tips that helped me when starting my journey as an Entrepreneur! 

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