Debbie Forand

Happy New Year, I know…. better late than never!

Be better the next day than I was the day before person walking on beach

Better late than never ya?
Happy New Year!

How do you approach the new year?

I like to look back at the previous year and think, what can I do different? What do I need to do that I didn’t do?
What did I procrastinate on? Or even more so what did I just BS my way through?

These are questions I always ask myself when going into a new year.

I did not finish the new year on such a good note. I had major surgery right before thanksgiving, and then got hit with an terrible cold around Christmas.

Both set me back on so many goals, and it does a number on your psyche.

So now that the new year is here, I have evaluated the previous year I have been laser focused on being better than I was yesterday.  Like today, the first thing I am doing is listening to Brendon Bruchard   .

I ask myself what do I want to accomplish this year?

Now it is time to get to work!!

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