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3 Killer Ways On How Canva Can Change Your Business

As a marketer, Fine Art Photographer and Digital creator I can not stress enough how Canva has changed my life. 
At first I thought I was taking a lazy way out, but after years of using Canva I know it has been a game changer in my digital content.  
I can create quick content with little to no effort. I am able to store and organize my media without worrying about bogging down my phone.


Let me quickly break down for you how Canva has helped my business.

1. Inspiration, Oh my gosh!! I can’t even begin to count how many times just searching through Canva Templates I was inspired!!  I used to go to Pinterest all the time, but now I find myself using Canva for this.

2. Sometimes I have a creative moment but my time is limited. Sure I could open up my Adobe and create something, but what I have found is I am able to create things quicker Using Canva thanks to all there amazing Templates. 

3.  I am sure by now you all have crossed a moment where you are out of memory. Your phone is full, your cloud is full, your computer is full. We all have. I know recently google changed and now I am constantly having to pull stuff off the cloud to my external drives.  I know with Canva my templates, my images, my creations are gong to always be there. Sure, I know never say never, but for right now they are. They are also organized, and I am all about having things organized because it saves me time!! 

Below you will find the video from the Canva Create 2022  event!! 
They announced some amazing new features!  As a Canva user I am super excited about!!! So much so I just had to share it with you today!! 

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