So many of us today are focused on living healthy. There is not one person that you don’t know that isn’t Gluten Free, doing Keto, or some other fad diet. Most of the time these wellness journeys are great and most do work, but there is one thing missing. You are harming your body with toxins that are in your home, and in your cleaning products.  What good is spending all that money on your wellness if you are still poisoning it with toxins? 

I want to share with you today three quick ways to detox your home!! 

This is so true!! How many of your count calories or carbs? But do you even look at the other ingredients.  When we think about the products in our homes many still trust what the product claims to be. What they don’t do is look at the label. 

#1 So the first quick step into detoxing your home is to learn to not look at the sales pitch but flip the bottles over and read the labels.

This is hard for so many of us, because think about it. No one ever showed you how to read labels. Definitely didn’t learn it in school. It is so important though that you educate yourself what to look for on a label!!

#2 Use natural cleaning products

Many big  box stores and those conventional household cleaning products can, and mostly are ridden with toxic chemicals. These products contain ingredients that cause skin rashes, headaches and other health problems. Certain products release dangerous chemicals into your living space – including volatile organic compounds, which are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure.

safer products for your home

Our products are researched and designed to keep your home a safe place for you and your family.  They are proven by science and inspired by nature help you become and Eco Friendly Cleaning pro!!   There are other natural products like lemon or vinegar you can use, but you are truly getting things cleaned. DIY Cleaning products can be sometimes great, but lets be honest here. Who has time for all that in today’s busy world. 

 #3 Replace synthetic air fresheners and fragrant candles with certified pure, therapeutic grade essential oils.

Synthetic fragrance is very toxic!

Over 95% of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum, and the chemicals found in petroleum are linked to cancer. Additionally, when the chemicals are inhaled or come in direct contact with the skin, they can damage the endocrine system, as well as, the liver and kidneys.

Therefore, replacing synthetic air fresheners and candles with essential oils and products that are made with essential oils is a great inexpensive way to not only purify the air but to also support your health! Yes inexpensive!! There are to many people spending way to much on oils. Pure oils is not only amazing, but affordable! 

There are so many other ways to detox your home. These are my top three that will get you started!! If you would love more tips or help getting started detoxing your home, then join our Free Private community!! 

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