Have You Heard Of Barrett’s Esophagus?

Have you ever heard of Barrett’s Esophagus?

Ya I didn’t either until 2011 when I was told I had this precancerous condition called Barrett’s  Esophagus.  I had acid reflux so bad that it had wreaked havoc in my esophagus and I had chronic gerd and stomach pain. I was put on a prescription and took daily antacids, tums, sleeping was miserable. 

you name it and I had tried it….

 I was very over weight and unhealthy do to poor food choices  I was told by my doctor that  I would never be able to get off my medication. Well I was able to in 2016 but then do to stress I had to go back on it in 2019. 

After doing much research on the medication I was taking I knew that was NOT The route I wanted to take!!!

So I became faithful with  the Oligio products starting with the Peak performance pack, as well as florify, good Zymes and fiber-wise daily. It has been 1 year that I have been faithful and in July we will see the results as I have to go for my routine Endoscopy. 

The past two years with parosmia have been tough, and my diet is really out of whack, but even so I still feel so much healthier than I did all those years ago. So I am not concerned and really hoping to be off this medication. 

Fiberwise has 7 different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber. It helps to heal as well as prevent digestive issues. I found that most of our health issues begins in the gut….our entire family takes fiberwise and my son loves it too!

Check out the studies on our Peak Performance Pack…together these two products and by the grace of god have given me my life back!!! Now if the parosmia would go away that would be wonderful, lol!! 

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