
Hello and Welcome!! 
My name is Debbie and and I’m so excited that our paths have crossed!! 

I want to take a moment and say hello and introduce myself!! 

I am just like many of you! I am a mom, sister, Aunt, Friend ! I am not a nutritionist, or Dietician! I am a mom that educates her self, and advocates and mentors for others. 

You can read more about what I do here Wellness Liasion 


Total Wellness For Today’s Families is a site and blog about our journey into toxin free living! I love to share information on our favorite store and the products that we use in our  home! But most of all, I love raising the awareness and helping others join us on this journey!! 

Why Total Wellness?

Through my own journey I believe that wellness encompasses more than just what you eat, or how much you exercise. We need to look at ourselves as a complete package. Our Body, our Mind, and Our Environment. 
This blog and site is just getting started, but we have an active community on Facebook if you would like to join us there!! 

I am in the process of moving content off of my main site on to this one, so we are going through a bit of a growing phase. Please do not let that deter you, this is already a lot of information here and I encourage you to subscribe to come back often!! 

My wellness journey and why I do this is a long story, to much to share here on this HELLO page. Please be sure to visit our Blog regularly! 

And here’s where you fit in…

I am extremely passionate about what I do and feel so blessed every day to be able to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with the world. My philosophy is that through a little bit of knowledge, thinking outside the box, and not getting caught up in trends , anyone can achieve a greater life of Total Wellness!

I am inspired by different cultures and traditional diets and know that there are many ways to nourish and heal the body, mind and soul. We all need different things to thrive based on our bio-individuality. There is no one-diet-fits-all when it comes to achieving wellness goals, but I can find the right fit for you! Our bodies are telling us what we need…sometimes you just have to learn how to listen.

My ultimate goal is to make you feel whole again, and to help you achieve happiness form the inside out. Whether you’re looking for one-on-one consultations, meal-plans, healthy cooking classes, grocery store tours, pantry clean-outs, a speaker at a workshop, or are simply seeking recipe inspiration and general advice, I’m here to help you find your whole happy!