If you didn’t then maybe you have been hiding under a rock! Remember the Dentist telling you how sugar can hurt your teeth?
I tried to be careful on what I ate but many times it was a challenge. The only thing that I introduced into my body that I had not had in a long time was food with Sugar. It made me sick in ways that I have not felt in years. I was hurting my body, and yes even my sons. I should have been a stronger person but now that I know how it affects us It will never happen again.
I am by no means an expert but what I will be sharing with you on my experiences over the next few weeks will hopefully help you to think twice about the foods you are purchasing, and consuming.I will be doing some videos and blogs in the coming weeks sharing my journey with and without sugar with you all when I return home.
Like body aches, mental fog, exhaustion, digestive issues just to name a few!!
I see so many people that I care about that are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, yet sugar is everywhere in their home, in their lives!
We all have heard the research, maybe even seen a few videos but if you are still consuming it then you are putting you and your family at risk!
I want to share with you some research and a documentary that I found while doing some research!!
Sugar Coated – The Documentary
Some Further Resources!!!
Robert H. Lustig, M.D., M.S.L
Discover the fructose content of common foods, beverages, sauces, and even sugar substitutes in our infographic “Fructose Overload.” Visit our infographic page for the high-res version.