For a brief moment yesterday I had considered going back into the corporate world.  It was a very brief moment! 

For a brief moment yesterday I had considered going back into the corporate world. 😱
It was a very brief moment! ☝️
Something was dangled in front of me and for a moment my mind wandered.
But then…..
🗯️I asked myself was I willing to give up my time freedom?
💸Was I willing to fork over a lot of money for help with my son?
☹️Was I willing to give up doing what I love to do?
🙄Was I willing to line the pockets of someone else instead of me?

🙌At the age of 53 I wish I understood what all this represented years ago!

😮Maybe I wouldn’t have spent 8 years driving 60 miles a day, paying over $100 a week for day care, just to break even every month after bills.

😷Maybe I wouldn’t have been so stressed out to have made myself physically sick and become obese!

😭Maybe I would have been able to be there more for my kids when they needed me!

👩‍🍳Maybe I wouldn’t have spent many years waiting tables and working double shifts just to make ends meet while at the same time missing out on some precious mommy moments.

👀Looking back though I can say I am grateful for the opportunities! I grew as an individual with each experience, and discovered some new passions!
I was able to help a lot of people something I am passionate about doing!

🤔However, I honestly don’t know how I did it. For 8 years, The 60 miles a day commute alone sucked! I was in my car more hours in a day than I was at home!

Now my days are not dictated by a time clock or supervisor! They are
– On My terms
– I drive when I want to
– I have time now to take care of me
– I am healthier
– I am still helping others
– I am always available for my kids now
– I no longer break even in the bank every month⬆️
– I get to enjoy being me

No I am not retired!
💃I chose to live a life that that I design!!
