
Empowering Caregivers to Prioritize Self-fulfillment! Uncover Strategies for Balancing Caregiving Duties with Pursuing Your Passion For everyone who’s wanted to… find balance as a caregiver while pursuing your passion, I understand the challenges you face. Juggling caregiving duties with your own aspirations can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have toContinue Reading


Acknowledging the fine line between surrendering and pushing through!  In the world of digital creation, there’s a common belief that individuals must choose between quitting and pushing forward. However, in my experience, many digital creators navigate a fine line between the two options. This delicate balance often involves making toughContinue Reading


Think about this. How many times have you seen quotes from Einstein, Emerson,  Kennedy, and others come across your social feeds.  Using inspirational quotes to contextualize your posts, to get attraction to your marketing is a great way to build and connect with your audience.  There are many articles outContinue Reading


What is up!! Chit chat about my journey last month with the big “V’ and being an entrepreneur. Going through the Big “V” as a network marketer left me with a lot of Aha moments, and lessons learned. It showed me the things I was doing right in my businesses,Continue Reading