Do you think people are born with it? Do you think it is just something that they are naturally good at? I think we all struggle with this in one time in our lives and to often some more than others. I used to struggle with confidence everyday, every wakingContinue Reading

I felt defeated!! 😓 👉It wasn’t to long ago that I felt defeated!! I had lost hope that it was ever possible to be healthy again, or to loose the 40+lbs I had put on. 👉It wasn’t long ago that I saw a post like this on Facebook and thoughtContinue Reading

  Summer is here are you summer ready? Yes you are taking a chance! Yes you have to invest in you! Yes you have to work hard! Yes you have to make a commitment!! But aren’t you worth it!! Aren’t you worth taking that chance for yourself!!! Sometimes you justContinue Reading

I am going to get real today!!!! I hear to often misguided information on this fantastic super food that I call my life line!!! So I want to set a few things straight today!!! You with me???? ☑ Shakeology is not a protein shake!!!! I know sometimes it can beContinue Reading

We are home from our weekend getaway we had a blast but honestly I am feeling it!! Even though we did a whole bunch of walking my food was off, my water was off and I didn’t do any targeted exercising. It wasn’t super horrible, but I did indulge aContinue Reading