
Think about this. How many times have you seen quotes from Einstein, Emerson,  Kennedy, and others come across your social feeds.  Using inspirational quotes to contextualize your posts, to get attraction to your marketing is a great way to build and connect with your audience.  There are many articles outContinue Reading

Be better the next day than I was the day before person walking on beach

How do you approach the new year? 

I like to look back at the previous year and think, what can I do different? What do I need to do that I didn’t do? 
What did I procrastinate on? Or even more so what did I just BS my way through? 

These are questions I always ask myself when going into a new year. Continue Reading

social media tips

What in the world is going on in Social Media!  So much is happening in this world now days that it is hard not to get caught up in it on Social Media. It is everywhere. It has changed what people are seeking out on Social which leaves marketers struggling. Continue Reading


What is up!! Chit chat about my journey last month with the big “V’ and being an entrepreneur. Going through the Big “V” as a network marketer left me with a lot of Aha moments, and lessons learned. It showed me the things I was doing right in my businesses,Continue Reading