A WAHM voice!!
WAIT Stop scrolling, please take a minute and read this!

This boy is my why for everything that I do!! He is also my hope!!
You see one of the reasons I am so passionate about Beachbody, being a coach, getting healthy, and the life style that goes with it is to bring hope to other families with special needs.
The statistics and evidence is clear and shows that families with someone in the home with a disability are more likely to live in poverty! There are a lot of factors that go into this from caregivers employment to increase in expenses needed to care for the individual.
Statistics and evidence also shows that children living in poverty are more likely to develop disabilities. There are also many factors in this from nutrition to health care.
I searched a long time for data and research on this and I found a one fantastic comprehensive report that tells all!! It is worth looking at!

My heart is full and I hope that our family can be an inspiration to others!! Life does not have to be unhealthy! You don’t have to live in poverty just because you have a loved one with a disability!
Is it easy??? Of course not, but nothing in life is easy!! I would rather work hard at trying to build a business from home, work hard at living a healthier lifestyle, then work hard worrying about how I am going to pay my bills!!

For many of us that have these precious angels we spend so much time away from them just to provide for them!! I know I did it for over 10 years!
💚I have hope and I believe with all my heart that change can happen!!
💚I have hope that we will flood the Network marketing area with special needs families and caregivers!
💚 I have hope in my heart that caregivers will hear my story and begin to live a healthier life so they can be the best for their loved one!
💚I have hope that my son will learn from my passion and one day be able to have his own business so that he can care for himself! ( also a healthier life)
💚I believe that if just paying it forward gives just one family hope to a better life then it is worth it.

I want to be home with my son!
I have to be home with my son!!
My son has a lot of needs! My son deserves the best!! downsyndrome parents
My son deserves to have me around for a long time!!
Your Loved One Does to!!
So YES HE IS MY WHY, MY HOPE for a better tomorrow!!!

‪#‎specialneedsparenting‬ ‪#‎wahm‬ ‪#‎sahm‬ ‪#‎coachlife‬ ‪#‎beachbody‬ ‪#‎itisworthit‬‪#‎liveforhope‬ ‪#‎buildadream‬ ‪#‎teamlili‬