I needed a couple of my mama go shakes the other day to get me through my day!!! It was the first thing I grabbed in the morning before my coffee after a night of insomnia!! The last time I looked at the clock it was almost 5am. 😱 The struggle isContinue Reading

This past weekend I saw some friends that I had not seen in months, and some even as long as a year as we attended a vintage camping rally! That pic above is our new 1966 Kenskill! We had a lot of fun visiting and enjoying the weekend. Then thereContinue Reading

I felt defeated!! 😓 👉It wasn’t to long ago that I felt defeated!! I had lost hope that it was ever possible to be healthy again, or to loose the 40+lbs I had put on. 👉It wasn’t long ago that I saw a post like this on Facebook and thoughtContinue Reading

  Do you have dreams? Of course you do, we all do! Many though give up on them, then tend to get caught up in just living and surviving and push them aside!! Like many others I also got stuck in that normality! Just settling and what I had wasContinue Reading