
What is up!! Chit chat about my journey last month with the big “V’ and being an entrepreneur. Going through the Big “V” as a network marketer left me with a lot of Aha moments, and lessons learned. It showed me the things I was doing right in my businesses,Continue Reading

ย  ย  When it is summer time, school breaks, or if you have small children at home you are constantly running here and there. During these times can really put the mileage on the mom taxi for sure!! So Let’s take a moment and think about this.ย ๐Ÿค”How can we betterContinue Reading


Welcome to The Boss Mom Tip series!ย  Each day for the next 5 days I will be providing quick tips to help the busy mompreneur !Do you struggle with balancing out your priorities between your business and your family!Then this this series is for you!! ย  Being a special needsContinue Reading

What a start to 2018!! So much going on and we are just getting started!!! Please accept my sincere apologies for being absent on here!! It was one of those things that I had to just put aside for a while so I could concentrate on other areas of myContinue Reading