I’m Back!!

What a start to 2018!!
So much going on and we are just getting started!!!

Please accept my sincere apologies for being absent on here!! It was one of those things that I had to just put aside for a while so I could concentrate on other areas of my business that needed more attention!! 2017 was a rough year. Not just for myself but for so many in our industry!! Not real sure of the exact reason but I have some theories!!

Marketing and doing business online changed so drastically in 2017!! The biggest area hit was on Social Media!! The rules changed so we had to change!!
Now I am definitely not one that is considered one of the top experts in social media marketing, but I know enough. So much so that when I saw fellow entrepreneurs struggling I knew I had to do something to help them!!   So I created Your Social Connection!!  Hey maybe it is something you are looking for! Feel free to join us over there!! It is so much in its infancy still but I feel that this is going to help so many people! Especially those that are just getting started in the industry!! I can share my lessons learned by the mistakes I made. I can share with the tips and tricks to simplify processes ! Because let’s face it not everyone can whip out a blog, or build a Facebook page when they first start! It takes time to learn, and sometimes it can be very confusing!!

When I started coaching in 2015 it was to help people change their lives! That hasn’t changed but in 2017 I realized that I can offer so much more than just helping them live a healthier life!! That is where the idea came to me about putting together some online courses!! I am still working on details and as soon as I have them worked out , my subscribers will be the first to know!!

I told you!! 2018 Has started off with a bang!! My team is growing, I am growing and I am excited!!

Be sure that you are not only following my blog but join me over on Facebook!! Did I mention that I have committed myself to doing a Facebook Live EVERY DAY!! For REAL!! It is a challenge but I am having so much fun doing it!!  You can follow me here —->>> My Facebook 

Health, Wealth, Happiness!! 2018 is going to have it all and oh Hey………….  I almost forgot!

I have started an Intern program! OMG YES!! I Told you I have been busy!!  I am only accepting 10 a month that way I can provide them the individual attention that they need!! This is a program where you can start your own business from home, just like I did in 2015!! The only difference its, I am going to mentor you every step of the way!! You can find out more details here —-> Intern Program 

2018 is going to be amazing!! Please join me for this ride because it is going to be a wild one!!