We’re talking about self-sabotage today!!! Are you self Sabotaging yourself? Let’s be honest now!!! I know I have many times in the past but over time through personal growth I have learned how not to do it or to be aware that I was doing!! I have three things thatContinue Reading

Do you think people are born with it? Do you think it is just something that they are naturally good at? I think we all struggle with this in one time in our lives and to often some more than others. I used to struggle with confidence everyday, every wakingContinue Reading

I needed a couple of my mama go shakes the other day to get me through my day!!! It was the first thing I grabbed in the morning before my coffee after a night of insomnia!! The last time I looked at the clock it was almost 5am. 😱 The struggle isContinue Reading

This past weekend I saw some friends that I had not seen in months, and some even as long as a year as we attended a vintage camping rally! That pic above is our new 1966 Kenskill! We had a lot of fun visiting and enjoying the weekend. Then thereContinue Reading

I felt defeated!! 😓 👉It wasn’t to long ago that I felt defeated!! I had lost hope that it was ever possible to be healthy again, or to loose the 40+lbs I had put on. 👉It wasn’t long ago that I saw a post like this on Facebook and thoughtContinue Reading