Do you have dreams? Of course you do, we all do! Many though give up on them, then tend to get caught up in just living and surviving and push them aside!! Like many others I also got stuck in that normality! Just settling and what I had wasContinue Reading

I am going to get real today!!!! I hear to often misguided information on this fantastic super food that I call my life line!!! So I want to set a few things straight today!!! You with me???? ☑ Shakeology is not a protein shake!!!! I know sometimes it can beContinue Reading

So This Is A Little Different   Have you ever wondered what I do!! Why do I share all these fitness post’s, nutrition posts, and all those goofy pics of myself??? Have you ever wondered why I share pictures of me drinking a healthy dose of super nutrition??? Have youContinue Reading

Wow can you believe it is already almost July!!! You know what that means??? It is time for a change, time to celebrate, and time to get up and get moving!!! You can do that in my next online private challenge group!!!! Not up for a challenge, well that isContinue Reading

We are home from our weekend getaway we had a blast but honestly I am feeling it!! Even though we did a whole bunch of walking my food was off, my water was off and I didn’t do any targeted exercising. It wasn’t super horrible, but I did indulge aContinue Reading

  Summer is just around the corner!!! Yay!!! Are you excited???? I am super excited about this summer and I want to share why! This summer I won’t have to worry about how I look, or feel! I won’t have to worry about covering up the flab, or falling outContinue Reading