I needed a couple of my mama go shakes the other day to get me through my day!!! It was the first thing I grabbed in the morning before my coffee after a night of insomnia!! The last time I looked at the clock it was almost 5am. 😱 The struggle isContinue Reading

This past weekend I saw some friends that I had not seen in months, and some even as long as a year as we attended a vintage camping rally! That pic above is our new 1966 Kenskill! We had a lot of fun visiting and enjoying the weekend. Then thereContinue Reading

I am going to get real today!!!! I hear to often misguided information on this fantastic super food that I call my life line!!! So I want to set a few things straight today!!! You with me???? ☑ Shakeology is not a protein shake!!!! I know sometimes it can beContinue Reading

Wow can you believe it is already almost July!!! You know what that means??? It is time for a change, time to celebrate, and time to get up and get moving!!! You can do that in my next online private challenge group!!!! Not up for a challenge, well that isContinue Reading

We are home from our weekend getaway we had a blast but honestly I am feeling it!! Even though we did a whole bunch of walking my food was off, my water was off and I didn’t do any targeted exercising. It wasn’t super horrible, but I did indulge aContinue Reading