Food and Society A Moms Heartfelt Rant

We are home from our weekend getaway we had a blast but honestly I am feeling it!! Even though we did a whole bunch of walking my food was off, my water was off and I didn’t do any targeted exercising. It wasn’t super horrible, but I did indulge a little. I still had my shake, some cut up veggies, and some other healthy snacks with me. But even just the little slip ups I had though I am feeling it. It is hard when you travel we all struggle with it at one time or another. From the bloated stomach to the lack of energy it is all there because I made some poor choices on my nutrition and did not get any type of a structured workout in.
I know I will bounce back from my few days of craziness because I have worked to establish good healthy habits that will last a lifetime. So 2 maybe 3 days I will be back on track!!
So now I have to rant for a minute!!
As I watched people this weekend I could not help but feel for them!! Many were over weight, had health issues, physical issues etc. This was a disabilities conference! Yet the stuff I saw some of them eating I just wanted to run up to them and yell STOP!!!
So this is a shout out to the very very large women who could barely walk with out sitting down every 2 feet, yes you the one who had 2 cases of soda for one weekend on her wagon and a McDonald’s bag in her hand!
To the parent who had a toddler that was out of control yet was giving them chocolate and soda to drink!!
To the vendors that had chocolate and other sweets instead of fruit or veggies!! Stop!
Every where I turned there was sugar and sweets, chips, fatty food, etc. It was crazy!! The number of obese people including children that I saw this weekend saddened me. I believe as a society we have to make healthy changes not just for use but for our future generations!
This is our society now and people are turning toward medicine and doctors instead of being responsible for it themselves. To me this is sad!! It doesn’t have to be this way!
I didn’t always think like this! It took me getting sick to wake up! I used to be one of those people. I didn’t think about what it was I was putting in my body or feeding my family as long as it tasted good and was affordable. I am so glad that I have made these changes to a healthier lifestyle! 
Now I am not saying it is the cause or cure for everything but I know what a difference it has had on me and my health. On my families health!! My energy, my bowels, blood pressure, my fatigue! They all improve when I don’t have that junk in my system!!

You really are what you eat!! This is NOT a Myth!!   80270732aa23ebbdd9d7906b389e3c48

I guess my rant here right now is to say that if you are feeling like crap, tired all the time and going to doctor after doctor then take a minute and look at what you are eating. What about your children!  How much sugar, fried, fake, or fatty foods did you or they eat today??!!??
OK I am done, thanks for listening!!!! 🙂
I am ready to get back to my routine tomorrow!!! If you are ready to take that first step then I would love to help you and be your coach.  Just click here!!