What a start to 2018!! So much going on and we are just getting started!!! Please accept my sincere apologies for being absent on here!! It was one of those things that I had to just put aside for a while so I could concentrate on other areas of myContinue Reading

I felt defeated!! 😓 👉It wasn’t to long ago that I felt defeated!! I had lost hope that it was ever possible to be healthy again, or to loose the 40+lbs I had put on. 👉It wasn’t long ago that I saw a post like this on Facebook and thoughtContinue Reading

  Summer is here are you summer ready? Yes you are taking a chance! Yes you have to invest in you! Yes you have to work hard! Yes you have to make a commitment!! But aren’t you worth it!! Aren’t you worth taking that chance for yourself!!! Sometimes you justContinue Reading

  Do you have dreams? Of course you do, we all do! Many though give up on them, then tend to get caught up in just living and surviving and push them aside!! Like many others I also got stuck in that normality! Just settling and what I had wasContinue Reading