I have some amazing news!!! 😉 😮
Are you ready????
That Program that started this all for me, you know the one that helped me drop that stubborn midlife weight that would not move, that crazy midsection that came out of know where!! One day it was not there the BOOM HELLO!!
Let me refresh your memory!! http://bit.ly/1RN8yBp ( my story- check it out)
In June of Last Year I started the 21 Day Fix!!! I learned how to eat clean and healthy, how to portion control, and had a workout program that even someone with Fibromyalgia could do! You know what? I have not looked back since!!!
It helped me with Portion control, craving control and gave me a workout program that I could modify when needed, and build up strength that I had lost!! It was the program that started me on my health and wellness journey, it is the program that started my family on a health and wellness journey, and now I want it to be your start❗❗❗
So the amazing news is……📢📢📢📢📢 it is on sale this month!!!! Yeah, 🙂I get so excited because this program has really changed the lives of so many including my family and myself!!! Let me help you make that change, let my group help you stay motivated and supported as you begin your journey!!
There is no telling when this program will be at this price again so what better way to kick-start your summer then with the 21 Day Fix and a great group of people!!!
It is so easy to start, you can message me, or comment and I will message you. OR…. you can click this http://bit.ly/1R7mpU7 !!
**If you are ready to jump right in and get your feet wet then you can head right on over to my webpage http://bchbody.life/1XPBAYj
Getting started today gives you everything you need including
🔹The Workouts,
🔹The Portion Control Containers ( um no more counting calories)
🔹The Support of my group ( Starts 6 June)
🔹Me As your FREE Coach
🔹FREE 30-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand!**†
🔸3 Day Quick Fix
🔸Get beach-ready in 72 hours! This is Autumn’s secret weapon for
losing weight fast before a competition or photo shoot. Do it
during the last 3 days of 21 Day Fix for mind-blowing “after”
🔸Dirty 30 workout
4 rounds of fat-burning exercises help carve out a leaner,
stronger physique.
You know what the best part is!!! 30 Day 100% Money back!! You got that right!! Even if you emptied the bag of Shake, if you don’t feel better or have lost some weight, you can get a total refund!!
So really what is stopping you!!!
💚💚 I took that chance a year ago and I am so glad I did!! My life has changed more than I ever thought possible!
I have only room left for 4 people! Join me along with a group of people who have finally decided to quit dealing with those quick fix schemes, yoyo diets, and feeling frustrated; and finally taking a healthier more positive road to changing their life and losing that extra weight or getting fit!
This group starts the 6th of June and I am putting it together now! So don’t wait!! It will fill up fast!
#fitfordownsyndrome #fitover50 #beachbody #fitnessathome#fitnessforwomen #healthylifestyle #beyondfitness #balance #familyfitness#cleaneating #21dayfix
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.