
Acknowledging the fine line between surrendering and pushing through!  In the world of digital creation, there’s a common belief that individuals must choose between quitting and pushing forward. However, in my experience, many digital creators navigate a fine line between the two options. This delicate balance often involves making toughContinue Reading

Be better the next day than I was the day before person walking on beach

How do you approach the new year? 

I like to look back at the previous year and think, what can I do different? What do I need to do that I didn’t do? 
What did I procrastinate on? Or even more so what did I just BS my way through? 

These are questions I always ask myself when going into a new year. Continue Reading

Maybe is was the sun beating on my face as I floated endlessly in the pool today, or maybe it was the hug I got from my son. What ever it was something spoke to me in ways that are hard to explain. I felt compelled to put them here. Continue Reading

What a start to 2018!! So much going on and we are just getting started!!! Please accept my sincere apologies for being absent on here!! It was one of those things that I had to just put aside for a while so I could concentrate on other areas of myContinue Reading