We’re talking about self-sabotage today!!! Are you self Sabotaging yourself? Let’s be honest now!!! I know I have many times in the past but over time through personal growth I have learned how not to do it or to be aware that I was doing!! I have three things thatContinue Reading

Do you think people are born with it? Do you think it is just something that they are naturally good at? I think we all struggle with this in one time in our lives and to often some more than others. I used to struggle with confidence everyday, every wakingContinue Reading

I needed a couple of my mama go shakes the other day to get me through my day!!! It was the first thing I grabbed in the morning before my coffee after a night of insomnia!! The last time I looked at the clock it was almost 5am. 😱 The struggle isContinue Reading

  Do you have dreams? Of course you do, we all do! Many though give up on them, then tend to get caught up in just living and surviving and push them aside!! Like many others I also got stuck in that normality! Just settling and what I had wasContinue Reading

I am going to get real today!!!! I hear to often misguided information on this fantastic super food that I call my life line!!! So I want to set a few things straight today!!! You with me???? ☑ Shakeology is not a protein shake!!!! I know sometimes it can beContinue Reading