2-3 even 4 years or more ago I was not happy with ME. 😰
I hid behind every long sleeve shirt and baggy clothes!
I had to stop wearing makeup because my skin was so bad!
One of the biggest feelings I had to over come was how fat my face had gotten! Now I have pudgy face to begin with but my double chin had a double chin!!!!! 😱
I could not stand looking in the mirror and avoided being in front of cameras as much as possible!!
It was not just about the looks though! I was sick!
I was fighting Autoimmune diseases and was taking more pills than I should have been!
Taking care of me with the right nutrition through clean eating and Shakeology, on top of exercise not only gave me my face back, but it gave me my health, my confidence, and my life back!! 🍓 My skin has cleared up, my hair is healthier, and most important I DON’T HIDE ANYMORE!
I share this not to boast, but to hopefully inspire you to make today the day you decide enough is enough and do what you need to do for YOU!
It takes just one decision to change your life, to live healthier, to feel free about who you are inside and out!
Join me along with 1000’s of others who are taking a stand on ending the trend to obesity and obesity related illnesses!!
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Fine me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/coachdebbieforand