It Is Unhealthy But Call It What You Want – The Courage To Change


I am not going to pretend to be an expert !
You don’t have to be an expert just look around at your neighbors look at your community look at your family, you will see that we have a problem with obesity in this country! Even in my own family we still face the struggles of fighting obesity every day! My son, my fiance, even myself. I may have lost a lot.of weight but I am still considered over weight.
I can only speak through my experiences! But I’m telling you it doesn’t have to be this way but it does take strength courage and honesty to make the first step!

Strength – Begin making those difficult choices of exercise and eating healthy
Courage– To keep doing it day after day and fight those negative thoughts and doubts that you will have!
Honesty -Being honest with yourself that you want to or need to make the change!

To often I hear from people who are overweight and unhealthy that they are fine!

Yes I was also one of them!! I didn’t want to see the truth because it was hard!

 I know it is hard to admit to oneself that there is a problem, and this is the hardest hardest step to take!!!  Being honest with yourself that you are unhealthy and overweight and you want to make that change  happen is the first step to change! You are not alone! There are those out there that want to help and yes I am one of them!

Now as a coach I want to personally help and Mentor anyone who was wanting to do this! Who is Ready!! Who is tired of trying fads that don’t work!!

I am not a fitness professional I am not a nutritionist what I am is a mom with a real life and a real family with real experiences on making these changes for myself!

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