IMG_20160518_105146I am going to get real today!!!! I hear to often misguided information on this fantastic super food that I call my life line!!!
So I want to set a few things straight today!!!
You with me????

Shakeology is not a protein shake!!!! I know sometimes it can be easy to compare it to everything else you hear about. But don’t!! Shakeology is a nutrient rich super food. It 100% natural, not one chemical added to it to make it taste better. It contains over 70 Natural ingredients that gives you your daily dose of dense nutrition. -You get your super foods, amino acids, digestive enzymes, anti oxidants, pre and pro-biotics and more. I have tried at least a dozen of others and they don’t compare to the taste or the benefits!!!
I often hear people complaining about the carbs and fats in Shakeology as opposed to others…. Listen I get it!!! I used to think the same thing!! Being on low-carb diets trying to loose that extra baggage is tough! However, these low carb diets are proven to be less efficient when you also try to incorporate them also into a fitness program. Which you should be doing!!!
Yes, carbs are the macronutrient most prone to turn to fat, but that’s only when they’re not being used properly. They’re also the body’s preferred source of fuel, as in, they’re the most efficient way to fuel workouts. Without carbs, your body can convert protein and fat (both dietary and bodily) to fuel, but it’s a less efficient pathway, so may be prone to issues like low blood sugar or worse your muscles may start to break down! So adding Shakeology to your plan shouldn’t harm you in anyway. You should have AT THE LEAST that many carbs in your diet. Simply put, carbs help you work out harder and that will IMPROVE your results.
Here is the big one! It is to expensive—- Now I have talked about this before and I am going to share it again!! I know with today’s economy many people are on fixed incomes. It is hard to think about spending money on a something like this, so let’s take a minutes and LOOK AT THE REAL VALUE.
Take a day and look at how much you spend on a healthy meal? Or just a meal in general? $5 , $6, $7 maybe! If you are eating healthy a salad at the store will run you at least $7!!!! Now look at what you are eating for the one meal. How nutritious is it? Shakeology, will run around $4.33 per shake!!! HELLO!!!!! Are you hearing me yet????
I bet a lot of you spend more than that on your coffee house runs alone!!! I mix mine with Coffee and not only am I getting my most nutritious meal of the day, it tastes so much better than anything I would get at a coffee house!!
Here is something that I share in my challenge groups!! Let’s do a little visualization!!! You go to the store and buy yourself a months worth of meals for just you!! How much do you think you would spend???? Can you duplicate the ingredients and nutrition that you would get with Shakeology??? Think about that!!!! 🍏🍌🍗🍓🍆
I don’t need to loose weight, I don’t need it! —- Ugggg I stomp my feet like a little kid when I hear this!!! People you are missing the point!!! Today’s society has marketed so many quick weight loss fads that we have it in our minds that all nutritious drinks are just for weight loss. We have in in our minds that because we already exercise we don’t need it!! Shakeology is not a weight loss shake!!! Shakeology is about HEALTH!!!! When you put the RIGHT nutrients in your body it helps it to heal, repair, and thrive. You will have more energy, less cravings for all that junk, and YOU WILL become more active!!
Now for those that need to shed a few pounds; with Shakeology, weight loss can be the result of this amazing does of dense nutrition( along with proper exercise) SO AGAIN IF YOU WANT TO LOOSE WEIGHT YOU HAVE TO GET HEALTHY!!!

My family thrives on Shakeology!!! I honestly can not image us not having it everyday!! As a special needs mom I know that everytime I am giving my son a delicious shake to drink as a treat, I am doing more for his body than any medicine ever could!!!

For myself I am a better person, I am more focused, and I have much more energy to be the mom I need to be!!!

I hope this helps clear up a few things and I would love to be your coach and help you get started to healthier lifestyle!!!

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* I am not a health and nutrition expert nor a personal trainer. These are my opinions through my experiences!!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.